Thursday, November 20, 2008

Top Ten List : Chuck Norris Facts

OK, so I fully expect to get the "dork" comments on this post too, but the guys at work are going to love it. I was introduced to a website that is dedicated to Chuck Norris facts and I have compiled my top ten for your pleasure. Feel free to visit for yourself. There are much more where these came from. Good clean fun for hours............why is this so funny to me?

Number 10: Some people wear Superman pajamas. Superman wears Chuck Norris pajamas.

Number 9: When Chuck Norris falls in water, Chuck Norris doesn't get wet. Water gets Chuck Norris.

Number 8: Chuck Norris can divide by zero.

Number 7: If at first you don't succeed, you're not Chuck Norris.

Number 6: When Chuck Norris says "More cowbell", he MEANS it.

Number 5: Chuck Norris was what Willis was talkin' about.

Number 4: Chuck Norris shot the sheriff, but he round house kicked the deputy.

Number 3: Chuck Norris is the reason why Waldo is hiding.

Number 2: When chuck Norris does division, there are no remainders.

and the moment you've all been waiting for.....

Number 1: Chuck Norris is his own line at the DMV.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

So I've been hounded by my wife to post another blog, and quite honestly, I don't have much to say. I'm sure you are all shocked. I wanted to post a clip from Ferris Beuller's Day Off, but the language was un-postable. I don't remember it being that bad .....oh well, this will have to do for now.

For those who are interested, if its the European swallow we are discussing, it's roughly 24 miles per hour, or 11 meters per second for our government employees. Its really a simple matter of averaging simplified flight waveforms. Elementary.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Blog Etiquette

Let me start by saying I am dying to know who the lonely sole is that voted "no" in the poll. I just identified the downfall of a poll. Anonymity.

Now on to the subject-

I knew that with the pioneering of any new concept is the pain of a learning curve. If you are a guy out there entertaining the idea of having your own "Man Blog", take heed of the following two rules that I was completely unaware of. With man blogging comes a certain responsibility that you can't find in books or classes, but can only be found through trial and error. I feel it is my responsibility to share my findings so that others do not fall victim to the same mistakes that I have made.

Rule #1: If you start your own blog, and somebody comments on it, it is understood that you should add a link to their blog from your blog. Otherwise you are snubbing your audience.

Now, being the man that I am, I rarely consider the feelings of others (my wife just choked on that one). Call it insensitivity or selfishness if you'd like - I just call it being lazy. Just for the record, most men would make the same mistake I did, and I assure you it was nothing personal. I won't mention any names here, but you know who you are, and you have officially been added to my list...........Can we still be friends?

Rule #2: It is looked down upon for you to read somebody else's blog without making known to this person via "comments" that you are reading their blog. Some might call this "blog stalking". I hear its a pretty common thing (as a matter of fact, I would say that each of us has been guilty of it at some point...again, I will refrain from using names here) but it is strongly criticized in the blog world. Just to set the record straight, I am well aware of the fact that my blog is posted for the entire world to see, and if I have a need to restrict my audience, I will use email. If you are blog stalking while reading this, consider this an open invitation to continue.

As a side note and a good way to end this, the beard is growing slowly but surely, and my wife refused to kiss me this morning when I left for work. As the Counting Crows once said, its going to be a "Long November".......... ok, so he said December....close enough. For the record, the lead singer (Adam Duritz) had a beard in the video......I feel you bro. Here's the link to the video:

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

"Man Blogging"

Apparently my new blogging endeavor has brought to light a fundamental question that I failed to ask myself and others prior to creating a blog. It may be too late for me to ask, but for the sake of all MAN kind, I'll ask here. Since my audience obviously consists mostly of all my wife's friends, "Is it acceptable for a grown (unshaven, I might add) man to have a blog, about nothing in particular, or is that just too wierd?".

Let's face it, the majority of the blogs out there that I see are young moms who are using the blog world as a website for their kid's pictures, and in the case of my wife, an opportunity to share the kid's photos while socializing with all of her friends via commenting on each other's blogs.

This subject stemmed from a co-worker (who's wife by-the-way read and commented on my first blog) who asked "what do men have to blog about?". So I thought about it, and I can't think of anything. Sports maybe, but I think ESPN has that covered. I don't talk much anyway (this may be a slight understatement), so what do I have to bring to the table everyday for discussion?

I would appreciate feedback from the peanut gallery on whether "man blogging" is going to be acceptable in this little cyberspace circle that has been created. I will also add a poll, so feel free to just vote if you don't have time to elaborate on the subject.

Disclaimer: In the event that the results of this poll show a negative response to "man blogging", I will most certainly shut down this blog venture in an attempt to save face with all of my wife's friends.

Monday, November 3, 2008

No Shave November

hello world..............whew, that was scary. To state the obvious, this is my first BLOG. The dreaded word that I have ridiculed others for, that I have watched so many fall many fall victim to, that I swore I would never be a part of, here I am. This is really hard for me considering I'm a "keep to myself" kind of guy (see sister-in-law's post "the real Joey"), but I figured I'd give it a shot after being forced by my wife.

So what better excuse to blog than the fact that I have been a pioneering forefather in a monumental movement called "No Shave November". What apparently was started by an amazingly wise college student (see Depravity meets Divinity) and found its way to me via "Mr. Tim" is fast on its way to a global movement. Let me expand.

I noticed Wednesday night at AWANA that Mr. Tim was growing a beard. I had planned on doing so over the Thanksgiving holiday, but Mr. Tim said it was "No Shave November". So I responded "I'm all in". Well, this Sunday morning I told Mr. Tim that we should have consequences for those who didn't make it the whole month without shaving. We joked about it, and Mr. Tim even mentioned it to Speedy at the 11 o'clock Celebration service.

So I am listening to the replay of the Rick and Bubba Show this afternoon, and they are talking about "No Shave November". NO WAY! They are all in (except Bubba, who uses the CPAP as an excuse) and they have posted a link for continuous picture updates of the entire staff. And I digress.

OK, so this story was just an excuse for me to get my feet wet with this whole blog thing, and I promise to provide hours of entertainment in posts to come. I will never top my wife's Grand Fisher Price Theft (because my life is not anywhere near as eventful as hers), but I will try to at least avoid being as "blah" as I sometimes appear (again, see sister-in-law's "the real Joey"). Her picture says it all. Who needs an "About Me" with a picture like that.